Ways to Keep Yourself Accountable When Losing Weight

So the festive season is upon us once again, the time for partying, enjoying yourself and – let’s be honest – over-indulging in food and drink! We all have the right to let our hair down once in a whole, and what better time than over the Christmas holidays?

Now, this article is about losing weight, so are we getting ahead of ourselves? Not really; you might want to lose a pound or two before the parties begin, to fit into those jeans you wore back in the summer! Or, you might be looking to plan a weight-loss routine for the new year, so you can make one resolution at least that you might keep!

We know, as you do, that planning a weight loss regime is the easy part. Starting your weight loss plan is also simple, and you’ll be eager to do it. But when it comes to keeping it going, you’re going to come across so many obstacles! That’s why you need to keep yourself accountable. How can you do this? That’s what we’re going to tell you with the tips that follow, and it’s surprisingly easy!

Make a Contract

This may sound like a daft idea, but on the face of it, it’s actually quite inspiration. What you need to do is develop a contract with yourself, in which you agree to perform whatever routine you have devised – we recommend you take advice from the many ideas and information sites online as there is plenty of great advice out there such as that at Medifast – and at the end, or at certain stages, you chalk up success in the contract. Now, it could be you reward yourself with gifts – see later on for more information on this idea – but if you’re like most people, having a contract reinforces the plan.

Make it Public

This is perhaps the best way of keeping yourself accountable when losing weight, as it means you keep your friends informed of your progress – or lack of it! Of course, your mates are always going to be your biggest critics, so it follows that telling them what you are up to in terms of losing weight is going to inspire you to succeed! Social media is the best way to keep on top of this; post regular updates on Facebook and Instagram, use Snapchat for quick updates, perhaps keep your followers informed on Twitter. The encouragement you get will be well worth the effort, and will help you make even more progress.

Keep a Diary

Along with your contract and the running commentary for your friends and followers, keep a diary of your progress for yourself. This is useful on two counts: first, it will allow you to see how you have achieved the success you are achieving, and second, when it comes to next time you need to embark on a weight loss regime – and there will be a next time – you can look back and follow the steps you successfully followed before.

Reward Yourself

So, you’ve set your goals, kept your routine, and you have lost the weight you aimed to lose – well done you, that’s what it’s all about! Now, you get to reward yourself with a gift. A healthy meal out might be a good idea, perhaps with the friends who have supported you, or a night at the theatre, a trip to shops or simply something you enjoy but would not normally do.

You’ve worked hard, you deserve it, and you’ve made it easy to keep to your routine – now you know you can do this any time you wish!

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