An interesting thing is happening in the cosmetics industry, whereby there is a growing demand for so-called chemical-free and organic products that are supposed to be better for your skin. A lot of the reason for this growing interest in all things clean and natural is because of the very real problems that arise from using products that contain chemicals, such as phthalates and BPA.
However, does that really mean that all chemical-based cosmetics are bad and that all pesticide-free and chemical-free cosmetics better for your skin? The answer is very complicated and there is not as straightforward an answer as you may think or hope.
To show why it’s important to dig a little deeper when looking at these things we’re going to look at some of the myths surrounding chemical-based and natural cosmetics and debunk them.
All Cosmetics Made From Chemicals Are Bad
The reality is there are no products that are 100% free of chemicals. The term “chemical” refers to anything that results from changes to molecules or atoms. Chemicals are formed when a chemical bond holds two atoms or more together. So, that is just about anything in the world, including cosmetics available in London.
Therefore, all ingredients used in cosmetics are chemicals. Think about it for a moment – two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule make water.
All Products Made With Natural Ingredients Are Better for Your Health and Your Skin
This is where the advertisers and big companies are clever. You are suckered into believing that everything with natural strapped onto it is great. When the reality is natural simply relates to the source of an ingredient – not that it’s non-toxic, chemical-free, or even safe.
Interestingly, natural ingredients are not tested to the same extent as synthetic chemicals. Therefore, why would anyone assume they are safe.
You need to understand it’s possible for natural ingredients available in London to cause allergic reactions, irritate your skin, have neurotoxic properties, disrupt the balance of your hormones and even be carcinogenic.
As They Are Made in a Lab, Synthetic Ingredients Are Dangerous
Again, on the other side of the spectrum really, just because something is synthetic, doesn’t mean it is bad. It just means it is something that has been created by combining two or more simple compounds or elements. Rather than just being something confined to labs, this is something that occurs in nature too. Hyaluronic acid, collagen, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and proteins are all-natural synthetics examples.
With regards to those featuring pesticides, it all depends on whether they adhere to UK pesticide regulations or not.
Organic Cosmetics Are Better and All-Natural
This is a myth based on the misunderstanding of what organic actually means. In terms of chemistry, organic just means chemicals containing carbon. Of the 11,000,000 and more chemicals there are, 90% contain carbon.
As you can see, there is no direct answer to the question posed in the title of this post. Some so-called organic and natural cosmetics may well be better for you. Though, it’s important to point out that some non-organic cosmetics that are not natural per se may be okay to use and are unlikely to cause problems.